
Learn how to move your body comfortably. Use it or lose it, without strain or pain.
Healthy Snacking Habits

Healthy Snacking Habits

The way of life today is fast-paced and we are always on the move. It is easy to pick up a quick snack on the go, but frequently it won’t be the healthy option. It is essential therefore to have healthy snacks handy which you can grab on the move. Good nutrition and balance diet habits start at home…

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Benefits of Active Recovery

Benefits of Active Recovery

Active Recovery involves performing low-intensity exercise following a strenuous workout. Examples include walking, swimming and cycling. Active recovery typically has greater efficacy than inactivity, resting or being sedentary. It keeps your blood flowing and helps muscles…

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8 Tips for a Healthier Shop

8 Tips for a Healthier Shop

Making healthy food choices at home generally starts with making the right choices at the supermarket. Healthy eating is easier if you plan what you buy then work hard to resist the temptations while walking the isles of your local supermarket.

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Working Your Core

Working Your Core

Ageing can contort the body, making us stooped and restricted in our mobility. The good news is that we can take action before it is too late. The best action is regular exercise that stretches the muscles and improves flexibility, with special considerations on the core muscles.

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Older people, younger souls.

Older people, younger souls.

The older we get, the more likely it is to have chronic health problems. However, the reality for us all today is that older adults in modern times feel healthier than our ancestors did. We do not only live longer, but we are also healthier.

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Why toxins build up in our body

Why toxins build up in our body

When your body cannot eliminate waste properly it becomes acidic and toxic. When it becomes acidic and toxic, your blood and your cells slow down. When this happens, your body starts to slow down and break down.

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Thinking About a Detox?

Thinking About a Detox?

At this time of year, many of us make New Year’s Resolutions and some consider detoxing. A time to cleanse all that bad stuff you consumed through the Holiday period. I get it and I get asked all the time, is this a good idea?

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Take better care of your health

Take better care of your health

How many times have you heard someone say, “If I could do it all over again, I’d take better care of my health”? Or have you heard people say, “If I get rid of this disease, I’ll eat right and exercise more frequently”? Unfortunately, we don’t all receive that second chance.

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New Year, New You

New Year, New You

Getting fit is the key to your wellbeing giving you confidence both in your mind and your body. But getting fit is not always easy and “falling off the wagon” of that resolution you’ve made to yourself is common. We’re here to tell you, that’s OK. The key is to never stop starting again.

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Overeat Yesterday?

Overeat Yesterday?

You don’t have to deprive yourself of all those holiday goodies and certainly don’t get stuck in guilt if you’ve eaten too much. Eat leisurely, and savour the holiday goodness. After which, try taking a short walk to aid digestion and burn a few calories – every little helps.

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You can’t out-train a bad diet

You can’t out-train a bad diet

We have all heard about the multiple benefits of cardiovascular exercise and strength training. So, it’s nothing new if we start the list with heart disease, go through type 2 diabetes, and talk about cancer and dementia. But what about compensating for a bad diet? You simply can’t out-train a bad diet.

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Chocolate, the Fountain of Youth?

Chocolate, the Fountain of Youth?

People often have a strong emotional relationship with chocolate, it is offered up to children to relieve their tears, it can be shared with a friend to help mend a broken heart, and it is renowned as a mid-afternoon pick me up, but is there more to it? Is chocolate more than just a delicious sweet treat? When we think of chocolate…

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How to increase your fibre intake

How to increase your fibre intake

What is fibre? Fibre is the indigestible part of plant foods. They are usually the walls of the plant cells, skins and seeds. Due to the refining of the foods we eat much of the fibre has been lost in our diets. This in turn has caused a rise in digestive problems and overall poor health. How does fibre help your digestive tract?

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Time to Stretch

Time to Stretch

Stretching is a great way to wake your body up. Stretching is also the best way to really tune into your body and understand what’s working and what might need a little help. By taking it slowly you minimise the risk of strain or injury while establishing confidence in how you move…

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Time to up your game ladies

Time to up your game ladies

OK, so you have got yourself into a regular fitness routine. Well done you. If the first step is the hardest to achieve then consistency after it is a very close second! Slowly but surely, you should work on increasing your fitness level. Use it, or lose it.

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Simple elements to de-stress

Simple elements to de-stress

Oxygen, water and sunlight are the most basic life giving elements on this earth. Without them we have no existence here, but our current lifestyles being so hectic, we seem to take it all for granted and not much thought goes into the fact that we need these elements daily to survive properly.

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The importance of nutrition as we mature

The importance of nutrition as we mature

We are all aware that eating a balanced diet is vital for health, but how does this message relate to our quality of life and healthy ageing? What do we need to consider when making sure our current diet is still serving our ever-changing health goals?

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