New Year, New You

by | Dec 31, 2020 | Training

Getting fit is the key to your wellbeing giving you confidence both in your mind and your body. But getting fit is not always easy and “falling off the wagon” of that resolution you’ve made to yourself is common. We’re here to tell you, that’s OK. The key is to never stop starting again.

Every New Year, we make it a point to make resolutions and the very first on many people’s list is to go on a diet. But only after a few weeks, you realize that you again failed to do make good on your resolution, just like last year. Once again, you failed to follow your diet. You now realise that you have gained more weight and that you are now losing your battle to fight the bulge.

Familiar? Don’t let it get you down. Take a short break, reset and start again. Afterall, it takes the human mind 8-12 weeks to form a habit, no matter what your age. So whoever said “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks” never understood how the mind actually works. We have developed a 12-week habit-forming program using this principle. We hear all the time from participants the big difference small changes can make when consistency is achieved.

Fitness is not just about looking good but also feeling good. Fitness makes you strong enough to meet your hectic schedule. It makes you wake up in the morning and feel rejuvenated. If you had enough energy and you don’t feel sluggish then you will be ready for anything.

If you want feel good, you must be sure to get proper nutrition. But if you want to achieve complete fitness, you must invest time in exercise. Being fit gives you more energy, while reducing your risk for heart disease and diabetes and improving your self-esteem. Getting fit is really about you. It is something that you owe to yourself and you have to make time for it. Don’t get trapped focussing on the size you wear or the calories you eat, focus on eating right, drinking plenty of water, getting adequate sleep, relaxation and exercise.

A woman’s weight should also correspond to her height. Everything is about measurement and balance. Our FREE Health Assessement will tell you your optimum weight range and how much water you should be drinking each day.

We wanted to share this beautiful video from legend Anthony Hopkins to remind us that you should never stop starting again. As he says “today is the tomorrow you were worried about yesterday” and to make every moment count.

Staying fit is a combination of diet and exercise and there are plenty of both here at to get you started. You are unique. Listen to your body. Know what fitness programs give you enormous benefits and what is good for you might not be good for others. Try eating small meals throughout the day as this helps the body work more efficiently.

Along with diet, any simple exercise for over 30 mins each day should be your goal, gym, online videos, swimming, cycling, even just a walk, make sure you get up and move your body. Explore what’s best for you. Don’t make unrealistic goals and remember, and “falling off the wagon” is OK! The key is to never stop starting again.

Whatever you are planning, the team here at wish you a very happy and prosperous 2021.

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