Shakes and Smoothies

Shakes and Smoothies

Smoothies and meal replacement. The idea behind meal replacements is that you don’t really eat at all for a good part of the day – instead, you have a special shake or other product that gives you all the nutrients you need, and stops you from feeling hungry. This...

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Hemp, a nutritional powerhouse

Hemp, a nutritional powerhouse

Hemp seeds or hearts are a nutritional powerhouse, but do they have medicinal properties? These brilliant seeds are a great source of healthy fats, protein, vitamin E and a number of important minerals. Hemp seeds are actually classified as a nut, they are easy to...

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Control Your Cravings

Control Your Cravings

How do I overcome urges to eat? To answer this question, we first need to understand why we eat in the first place. It is probably safe to say, you likely already know the answers to that question. We eat for energy. We eat to stay alive. We eat to nourish our bodies...

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Yoga, low-impact training for body and mind

Yoga, low-impact training for body and mind

Time is valuable and there are a number of successful methods for goal realization. Yoga will cross train your mind and body for maximum potential. How is this possible? Regular attendance to Yoga classes, will result in a positive attitude adjustment for the student.

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Sweat, Swear, Smile

Sweat, Swear, Smile

We’re excited to share that our very own PT Fred has had a book published.  With the brilliant title of SWEAT, SWEAR, SMILE this is NOT just another fitness book, full of the same old ineffective misinformation. Fred and Fitat60 is here to help others build strength and confidence to live an energy-filled life…

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Quit smoking and get smoking hot

Quit smoking and get smoking hot

These days we all know you should stop smoking, but that is easier said than done. In this post we want to remind you of your power, the power of decision, the power of action and the power of your focus. Also to assure you that you know how to quit and how to ensure you don’t start again. Let’s kick the habit.

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Arthritis Prevention

Arthritis Prevention

Unfortunately, there is no known cure for arthritis. In fact, most treatments for arthritis are aimed at early recognition and prevention. Genetics can increase your likelihood for developing arthritis, as can a strong family history of the disease. Scientists also found that women are also more prone to arthritis than men…

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5 steps to taking care of your wellbeing

5 steps to taking care of your wellbeing

The state of our wellbeing is reflected for example in the quality of our skin, the lustre of our hair and a strong immune system to fight off illness.  Good genetics?  Well, that is just the result of good luck.  If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, then for the most part, wellbeing is in the hands of the beholder.

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Eat Yourself Healthy

Eat Yourself Healthy

Poor diet is a factor in one in five deaths around the world, according to the most comprehensive study ever carried out on the subject by medical journal The Lancet.  In their study, the Global Burden of Disease, they found that diet plays an important role in the prevention and management of many age-related diseases…

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Better Immune Health

Better Immune Health

You may not have heard about Wellmune®, but research shows this yeast beta glucan can help support the immune system. Wellmune can be found in a range of fortified foods, beverages and supplements to help you easily support your immune health.

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