Feb’starter Resistance Training


Resistance training not only builds strength, it also builds confidence in how you move allowing you to be active and healthy. Some get into resistance training through engaging in particular sports, however it doesn’t need to be any more complicated than adding some weights to your current fitness routines. Honestly, having a can of beans to hand is all you need. Resistance training is important as we age to ensure we maintain our strength to do everyday activities.

We’ve put together 8 great resistance moves for you to work through.  Do them together as one 20-minute routine, or simply incorporate these moves into your regular workout regime.  You don’t even need proper dumbbells, just a small weight that is easy to hold in one hand.  Cans from the pantry really work well.  Another option is to use either rubber or fabric resistance bands, available from all good sports retailers.

Before you start lifting weights or training with resistance bands, you should work on achieving proper posture. Many people seriously encounter injuries when they incorrectly lift weights. As we’ve said before, work with your body, not against it and if something doesn’t feel right, stop and re-access.  


Move #1 – Bicep Curl to Shoulder Press

With weights in your hands and your hands by your sides, slowly curl your arms forward and out until your hands are up and your arms are at right-angles.  Hold for 3 seconds.  Then press your hands upward and hold again for 3 seconds.  Then reverse the pattern.  Repeat this three times. 

Move #2 – Single Arm Row Tricep Kickback

With weight in your right hand, step forward with your left leg.  Keep your right arm arm straight and throw it backwards slowly as far as is comfortable and hold for 3 seconds.  Now bring the weight as near to your armpit as possible and hold for a further 3 seconds.  Stand upright slowly bringing your hands to your side and repeat the pattern on your other side.  Repeat either side twice.  

Move #3 – Side Raise

With weights in both your hands and your hands by your sides raise your right hand slowly out to your side as high as is comfortable.  Hold this position for 3 seconds, then slowly return the weight you your side.  Now repeat this with your left arm.  Repeat either side three times. 

Move #4 – Deadlift Back Row

With weights in both hands pivot your body forward at your waist. Be sure to keep your back straight and let your hands hang directly down. Now bring the weights vertically upwards keeping your hands near the trunk of your body.  As high as you can comfortably get the weights, hold this position for 3 seconds before slowly lowering them back down again.  Repeat this pattern five times. 

Move #5 – Squat with Overhead Press

With weights in both hands and held at shoulder height squat down.  For the squat imagine you are sitting down into a chair.  Keep your back as straight as possible and try and get the top of your legs parallel with the ground.  Then slowly stand up straight moving your hands above your head at the same time.  Return to the start position and repeat this pattern five times. 

Move #6 – Single Leg Deadlift 

With weights in both hands and held by your sides swing your left leg slowly backwards while pivoting your body forward.  Let your hand hang down.  Once as far forward as is comfortable and maintaining balance now bring the weights up towards your armpits, then slowly lower them before returning to an upright position again.  Repeat this pattern on your other leg, then repeat again twice.  

Move #7 – Weighted Lunges

With weights in both hands and held slightly in front of you, step your right foot as far forward as you can keeping your back upright.  Slowly reverse the pattern and then repeat with your left foot.  Do this five times on each side alternating as you go. 

Move #8 – Weighted Plank

From a traditional Planking position pick up your weight in one hand then slowly bring the weight up and in front of you.  Hold the weight as high as is comfortable and hold for 3 seconds before returning to the start position.  Now pick up the weight in your other hand and repeat the pattern.  Do this three times and feel free to take a break from the Planking position between each move.  Also ensure you keep your butt up as the tendency is to dip through this move.

You should always try to work on the opposite muscles. Muscles tend to get imbalanced especially if the amounts of exercises you do are not equally distributed. When performing triceps extension, it is advised that you also do bicep exercises. If you work out on the chest and the stomach area like crunches, it is important that you do back extension exercises to get a balanced upper muscle toning.

Always take a rest after your resistance training workout and keep well hydrated. Allow your muscles to cool gradually so that you will not feel any sore or strained muscles. After the resistance training, you will see that you are more ready and physically fit for many kinds of sports.

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