Time to Stretch

Time to Stretch

Stretching is a great way to wake your body up. Stretching is also the best way to really tune into your body and understand what’s working and what might need a little help. By taking it slowly you minimise the risk of strain or injury while establishing confidence in how you move…

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Time to up your game ladies

Time to up your game ladies

OK, so you have got yourself into a regular fitness routine. Well done you. If the first step is the hardest to achieve then consistency after it is a very close second! Slowly but surely, you should work on increasing your fitness level. Use it, or lose it.

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Simple elements to de-stress

Simple elements to de-stress

Oxygen, water and sunlight are the most basic life giving elements on this earth. Without them we have no existence here, but our current lifestyles being so hectic, we seem to take it all for granted and not much thought goes into the fact that we need these elements daily to survive properly.

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The importance of nutrition as we mature

The importance of nutrition as we mature

We are all aware that eating a balanced diet is vital for health, but how does this message relate to our quality of life and healthy ageing? What do we need to consider when making sure our current diet is still serving our ever-changing health goals?

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Mind Over Muscle

Mind Over Muscle

The key to long-term weight loss success may not be the body, but the mind. Research indicates that those who have a positive outlook on life are more likely to lose weight—and stay thin. But how can you have a positive outlook when you have been burned so many times before? Is it possible to “will your way” to losing weight?

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Understanding Osteoporosis

Understanding Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is called the silent thief because you do not experience any symptoms, the first time you know about it is when a bone snaps unexpectedly. Osteoporosis means “porous bones” and it is a condition where the skeleton becomes very fragile and the bones break easily.

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The benefits of collagen in healthy ageing

The benefits of collagen in healthy ageing

As we age our bodies naturally produce less collagen. With less collagen, our bones and cartilage become more fragile. The result is discomfort, a higher risk of fractures, less agility and possible loss of independence.

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I don’t like vegetables

I don’t like vegetables

If you are not used to eating a vegetable-rich diet, vegetables can taste bland and flavourless. Incorporating vegetables into your diet may be a slow process at first, but there are things that you can do to make them taste better.

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A diet to boost energy and vitality

A diet to boost energy and vitality

Diet can control many aspects of how you feel and how much energy you have. According to Web M.D., many foods give you a boost in energy and help you feel especially full of vitality even as you age, including nuts, lean meats, salmon, leafy greens, colourful vegetables and foods high in fibre.

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