As we approach 60 and in the years beyond, exercising can become hard.
However, to stay fit and healthy, you need a certain amount of exercise. Low-impact workouts can help you stay fit, not exhaust you and significantly reduce the chance of injury. Low impact exercises are also great if you have a pre-existing ailment.
For those who are looking to start a low-impact exercise routine, here are some of the most popular low impact exercises. These will not only help you stay fit, but they will also keep your heart pumping efficiently.
To move with deliberation is exercise, and what better way to keep your body active than walking? Walking is a part of aerobics; it’s good for your back as well as your mental health, especially if you are 50 or above. All you need is a good track, a pair of supportive shoes and you are good to start any time you want. Buddying up while walking is a great way to relax while exercising; moreover, having company also increases motivation.
Some days a good and some aren’t so much, for days when you are too tired or busy to keep up with your daily exercise routine, try stretching. It will help you with your flexibility as well as improve your balance. You can also increase the mobility of your joints along with your muscles. Stretching also helps with posture. Tai chi is one of the most popular exercises of stretching. Click here to see our comprehensive stretching routine.
Staying active when you are over 50 isn’t so hard of you to make a point of exercising daily. With the above-explained exercises, you can enhance your energy levels, keep your weight in check and stay active.
Seniors can benefit from swimming in many ways. For starters, it makes your heart stronger and improves cardiovascular health. Swimming also increases the endurance level of your heart, so with regular swimming, you make your heart tougher. Swimming in your 50’s can lower your blood pressure, improve blood circulation as well as reduce heart and lung problems. All those benefits and no strain on your joints or body, swimming sure is a pretty cool way of working out.
Bone disease like osteoporosis is prevalent in adults over 50. Fortunately, swimming helps fight osteoporosis as it improves bone mineral density (BMD). It’s pretty gentle on joints, so there is no added worry of injury or strain.
As you get old, your muscles loosen up, with low impact exercises you can get them in shape again as well as rebuild your strength. Cycling is one of the most popular ways of working out. It’s a great sport, it helps you socialize, and it also helps you work your joints without putting much strain on them. Did you know that cycling reduces the chance of heart disease as well as cancer by 45 percent? It’s time to get that old bike out and give it run. Read more on how to Push the Pedals and Lose the Weight.
Yoga not only helps you with balance and flexibility, but it also helps you develop strength. It’s great for both mind and body. Many doctors and fitness trainers suggest yoga for physical fitness as well as general wellbeing. One huge benefit of yoga is a fit and active body. For people how have reached their 50’s, yoga can be the perfect way to relax and unwind.
Pilates is one low-impact exercise that is great for both young and old. It’s pretty versatile, so even if you are in your 50’s you can start doing Pilates to low weight as well as increase your balance. Part form improving your balance it also aids you with mobility as well as strengthening your core without over exhausting your joints and muscles. Check out our Introduction to Pilates Program.
Water aerobics:
Swimming every day can get a bit boring; try water aerobics to give your mind a fresh break. Many gyms offer water aerobics as low impact exercise. Any kind of exercise can help you with staying fit, keeping your muscles active and improving your flexibility. However, there are many added benefits to water aerobics.
Many doctors suggest water aerobics to their patients as it’s great for relieving joint pain as well as arthritis. Moreover, there is no age limit or skill required to get into water aerobics. Water-resistant exercises like water aerobics are good for developing strength.
To the amazement of many, Golf is a popular low-impact sport that is great for the body as well as mind. As golfing involves walking from one hole to other, it’s termed as low-impact cardiovascular exercise. Moreover, swinging the golf club, again and again, engages all upper body muscles, including arms, shoulders as well as lower body muscles such as back, abdomen and legs. The visual stimulation, stress-relieving strategies as well as hanging out with your buddies while playing golf is a great way to keep your mind/body fresh and active.