There is a protein that can slow down ageing!

by | Mar 18, 2021 | Nutrition

Guest Contributor and Nutrigenomics Expert, Kristin Reeves, is here to tell us all about it.

“How can I slow down the ageing process?” – A lifelong question that a lot of us have asked and continue to ask! Scientists have identified a protein in our bodies called Nuclear factor erythroid 2 [NF-E2]-related factor 2, commonly known as Nrf2. Research has shown that this protein appears to have a major role in the ageing process and Nrf2 activation may be the thing that we have all been waiting for!

Nrf2 is present in all of our cells and is naturally occurring in the body. Over time, as we age, the production of this protein slows down, and according to Dr Joe McCord, production grinds to a halt around the age of 20-25 years. This leads to a condition in the body known as ‘oxidative stress’.


Oxidative stress is the term for the build-up of free radicals in our cells (highly reactive molecules which cause damage). It is normal in the body, however research has shown that chronic oxidative stress (which a lot of people unknowingly suffer from), is linked to more than 2000 health conditions. Even minor symptoms of ageing, including (but not limited to) lacking energy, not sleeping well, feeling stressed or moody, struggling with brain fog and experiencing pain and soreness, are likely a result of oxidative stress.


The Nrf2 pathway is the system in our cells which instructs the body to make “in-house antioxidants”. These antioxidants are essential to neutralise free radicals and keep them at a manageable level, reducing the damage that is caused to our cells. Cell damage leads to ageing and ageing leads to disease. The Nrf2 pathway switches on major antioxidant enzyme production such as glutathione, super oxide dismutase and catalyse. Nrf2 also switches on over 500 survival genes. And the result of this is a HUGE reduction in oxidative stress.


We all dream about living a long and healthy life, sleeping well and having lots of energy. Today more than ever, scientists are discovering methods to increase our lifespan and health span. The Nrf2 pathway offers incredible health benefits and may potentially be the answer to the fountain of youth according to an ABC Primetime investigative report in the USA. This will leave you feeling like you were 20 years younger with your body functioning at its optimal level.


Protandim Nrf2 Synergizer was sculpted to activate the Nrf2 pathway. With peer-reviewed studies conducted by the likes of Harvard and many prestigious independent medical institutions, Protandim Nrf2 Synergizer has been shown to reduce oxidative stress by 40% in just 30 days.

“After Protandim we could no longer distinguish the 80-year-old from the 20-year-old”

-Dr. Joe McCord

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