Devilled Mackerel

Easy Greek-inspired recipe that enhances the amazing taste of mackerel.

 4 medium mackerels, cleaned
 4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
 4 tbsp balsamic vinegar
 2 tsp paprika
 ground black pepper
 Tartare Sauce as a side (optional)or low-sugar store bought

What are we cooking today?

Firstly this uncomplicated meal takes minutes to prepare and not much longer to cook. Simplicity aside, mackerel is a wonderful oily fish, so as well as being tasty it’s good for you.

Getting started

Preheat the oven to 200℃.


Clean and gutt the fish.
Remove the head, fins and tail if desired.

Note: If you can't handle a fish with head and bones, ask your fishmonger to cut the mackerel in boneless fillets or remove the parts you don't like.


Cut 3 or 4 diagonal slashes on one side of the mackerel.


Mix the olive oil with freshly ground black pepper, paprika and balsamic vinegar.


Put the mackerel in an ovenproof dish in a single layer with the cut side up. Spread a little bit of the mixture in the cuts and the remaining on the side of the mackerel.


Bake for 20 minutes or until the flesh in the cuts is opaque and firm.

Serve hot!

Annabelle's tip

Add some chilli or curry powder for a little extra kick.

Due to the strong flavour of the mackerel, it's best served with a simple salad and steamed baby potato's.

You can also add a bit more taste by squeezing a small wedge of lemon over the mackerel.