Time is valuable and there are a number of successful methods for goal realization. Yoga will cross train your mind and body for maximum potential.
How is this possible? Regular attendance to Yoga classes, will result in a positive attitude adjustment for the student. Many of us walk around with a “perceived handicap.” We often perceive problems or lack of opportunity as the result of bad-luck or the negative actions of others. However, these handicaps can frequently be overcome by working toward your goal on a daily basis, and taking life one-step-at- a-time.
Remember, that if you think your situation is a disability, it will be.
How can Yoga do anything for you? For one thing, you will appreciate life to it’s fullest. You will stop wasting time, by letting daily opportunities go by. Many of us have opportunities at any age, but we think it won’t work, we don’t have what it takes for success, or we lack the drive to carry a plan through.
Yoga and meditation teach you to supervise your mind. Your mind has been allowed to work against you. Much like a “back seat driver,” the mind is good at “second guessing,” fearing, doubting, and discouraging new ideas. The mind would prefer to stay in one place, and let the world go by. Leaving you in a deeper state of frustration, by worrying about making a mistake.
You have to cultivate a positive relationship with your mind, through practicing Yoga postures (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama), and meditation and you will start to feel the mental benefits, right away.
Many Yoga students walk away from their first class feeling guilty, that it took so long to start. They anguish over the fact they procrastinated so long. However, the important part is to start, it doesn’t matter when you start. A common feeling during and after Yoga classes is of euphoria, who doesn’t want that?
Yoga has some unusual terminology, but don’t let this put you off. Let us now break down the major components of a typical Hatha Yoga session, and see how each one will enable you to reach your goals. There are nine main styles of Yoga in India, but most of the popular styles, outside of India, are variations of Hatha Yoga. Hatha Yoga classes tend, among other things, to emphasize physical mastery.
Asanas are the physical postures, but depending upon the class, the postures may be held for different durations, such as: A half breath (an exhale or inhale), a few breaths, or a few minutes. So there is a style of Yoga for every person, and part of the journey is to find what works for you. The Yoga postures release tension throughout your body, regardless of which style you choose. The added surge of endorphins, as a result of this exercise, is another benefit.
Pranayama, sometimes called the Yogic science of breathing, is cultivation of air – our most vital resource. Therefore, you can increase the amount of oxygen in your bloodstream without classic calisthenics, but when you combine it with the postures; you have a very powerful combination for stress relief.
Meditation is known for its stress management, focused concentration, and conscious relaxation benefits. In fact, there are so many meditation benefits, that even after more than 2,000 studies, scientists are still trying to better understand it. For us though, the question is “how will all this help you achieve your goals?” Simple: Once you are armed with the ability to relieve yourself from the burdens of stress, negative obstacles, and needless worrying, you then have the ability to prioritize and learn from your mistakes.
If you make a mistake, so does everyone else. Nobody is keeping track of your mistakes, except you. Everyone wants to be recognized, so grab every opportunity you can. Make sure you don’t forget to write your goals down and review them often. You will see them come to pass.