Spiced Nuts

If you love sweet roasted nuts but know they're not good for you, try this savoury alternative. You will be nicely surprised!

 8 tbsp whole hazelnuts
 8 tbsp whole pecan nuts or walnuts
 8 tbsp whole almonds
 4 tbsp coconut oilor butter
 1 tsp nutmeg
 1 tsp fresh orange peel
 1 tsp fresh ginger root
 1 tsp cinnamon
 1 tsp pink Himalayan saltor sea salt

What are we cooking today?

Spiced nuts are so more-ish and this recipe is so versatile. You can easily change up the nuts and seasonings to suit your preferences.

This snack is easy and quick to make. You can put it in a small container and take to work or when travelling.

Getting started

Mix hazelnuts, walnuts and almonds in a bowl.

Preheat the oven to 190℃. Place a baking sheet on a baking tray and spread the nuts on the top. Roast for about 10 minutes. Make sure they don't get burnt.


Grate the nutmeg, ginger and orange zest and place with the rest of spices on a plate.


When the nuts are roasted, take them from the oven. Now, melt the butter in a pan on medium heat.


When it begins to brown, add the spices, salt and stir well.


Add nuts to the pan and mix well.


Serve immediately or let it cool down and keep in an airtight container for up to a week in the fridge.

Annabelle's tips

Soaked nuts have more health benefits. You may want to try soaking before roasting them. They are better digested and the nutrients are better absorbed.