Chocolate and Nut Bombs

These chocolatey little snacks look impressive and taste even better!

 310 g sugar-free dark chocolateor stevia-sweetened chocolate chips
 1 tbsp coconut oil
 sea salt
 42 g raw macadamia nuts halved

What are we cooking today?

Healthy chocolate snacks with a nutty centre ... delicious!

Getting started

Select a truffle mold, mini muffin pan, or mini baking cups with wells that are 2x1”.


Place 3 macadamia nut halves in each of 8 wells of the mold or mini muffin pan or in each of 8 mini baking cups.


In a small microwave-safe dish, microwave the chocolate chips for 50 seconds or until melted.


Stir until smooth, then add the oil and a pinch of salt. Mix until blended.


Spoon some of the chocolate mixture into each well or baking cup, completely covering the nuts. Sprinkle additional salt over the chocolate..


Transfer the mold or baking cups to the freezer for a minimum of 30 minutes, until the chocolate is solid