Artichoke, Basil and Lemon Pesto

Artichoke and basil go so well with lemon in this home-made pesto. Try as dip, with meat or fish or in a salad!

 1 can artichoke hearts, drained
 1 juice of 1 lemon
 1 tbsp lemon zest
 ½ cup grated parmesan cheese
 ½ cup pine nuts
 2 cloves garlic, chopped
 1 cup fresh parsley
 1 cup fresh basil
 ½ cup extra virgin olive oil
 salt and pepper to taste

What are we cooking today?

Pesto can be added to pasta, a dip, with a salad or even in a stir fry. Make in advance and make your choice when you need it!

Getting started

Wash the herbs, peel and mash the garlic, juice and zest the lemon.


Place the garlic, herbs, lemon zest, pine nuts, grated parmesan cheese (or avoid for dairy-free option) and olive oil in a blender and pulse until smooth.


Add the artichoke hearts, season with salt and pepper and pulse again until desired consistency is reached (best when small pieces of artichokes are left).


When done, serve immediately.

Annabelle's tip

If you wish to prepare the pesto in advance, it can be kept in the fridge for a week or two if stored properly. Simply spoon the mixture in a glass jar, top with a bit of olive oil and seal properly with a lid.

If you want to preserve home-made pesto for longer, freeze it in manageable portion sizes by putting it in an ice-cube tray and keep in the freezer for up to 6 months. Whenever you need to use it, just keep the required amount at room temperature until it melts.